11 August 2008


So Wednesday Chuck decides to take Morgan (our black lab) to work with him... all morning she's gagging and puking and can't keep ANYTHING down. Mid-afternoon Chuck decides to head home with her because she's still not getting any better and a couple hours after they get home, he decides it's time to go to the vet. Meanwhile I'm googling and trying to figure out what's wrong with her and all I come up with is bloat which is VERY serious and I'm worried. The 'Hmmm' part comes from the phone call I get from Chuck telling me after doing a X-ray and ultrasound they confirmed that Morgan has a kitten head in her stomach! That's right, a kitten head. She apparently has a an abnormally large esophagus and tongue which is how it has swallowed in the first place. Never before seen by the vet and only by my Morgan. She had to stay at the vet over night and get an IV because she was dehydrated and they gave her something to help dissolve what was in her stomach so she could pass it and get things moving along. If that wouldn't have worked, it would have been surgery. So, $652 later, she getting back to her old self... slowly. Thank goodness Chuck took her to work that day and thankfully everything will be ok. Sorry poor kitties.


Samantha said...

dang dogs..lol.. first my Sami eats a rabbit then your Morgan eats a kittie head... what will come next..lol