20 November 2008


Chuck made it back from hunting... he said it was the least fun he's had out there since he started going annually with his friends. I think this trip was just set up to be not the best. (I know, not the best grammar...) He took some of Champ and Raven's ashes with him and found two special spots to release them. After releasing Raven's, while walking away a rooster got up and he shot it. The rooster she would never have a chance to get out there, Renna and him here able to do it for her. Renna is Raven's namesake, "Renegade Raven's Memory" (in case you didn't know). Both us thought it would have been even more special if Morgan could have been there with him to watch a part of her best friend and one of her little girls go off into the wind.... So, with no Champ, Morgan at home and saying a proper goodbye to two great dogs, it was a difficult trip for him to say the least. There's always next time.....