28 February 2009

25 Random Facts

This will be a challenge for me...

1. I have a really good memory for people's birthdays and events.
2. I am only 2 of 6 kids my parents actually planned... the others were blessed surprises.
3. I am a chronic and constant worrier... which I hate!
4. I still have not lost all of my pregnancy weight... 2 1/2 years later. Must have been all those french fries I craved!
5. I would love to continue my education but would have to be teaching to do so.
6. My older sister told me to put my tongue on our propane tank one winter when I was 5 or so and I did... it stuck and she pulled it off. She got in trouble and my dad made me a root beer float to make me feel better... I still have a scar on my tongue.
6. I have a scar above one of my eyes from my cat Bootsie. I was sleeping on the floor and he ran across the living and across my face. (Oh and he actually used to fetch bouncy balls we would throw down the stairs).
7. When I was in elementary school, particularly during my 4th and 5th grade years, I was called a boy more than once... I had really short hair those years. Ex. Trying to use the womens bathroom & a letter written to my solider pen pal in Saudi Arabia, he wrote back saying 'what a handsome young man' I was!
8. I tore my left ACL skiing at Big Sky my senior year of high school.
9. I hate flying and I'm not comfortable in the water. I enjoy the land.
10. I met Chuck at the place I worked during college.. my dad got me the job my freshman year of college.
11. I hate calling and making appointments or calling and asking for information. I used to (and still do occasionally) have my mom and my older sister do this for me!
12. I hate (loathe is a better word) the phone... unfortunately this has been the main duty of every job I've ever had.
13. I can't wait to move back into town... I'm sick of all the driving.
14. I never knew I liked dogs as much as I do until I met Chuck.
15. I'm very sensitive and take everything personally.
16. I have a bit of OCD... Some ex. I like things in even #'s or in even groups of #'s, my clothes all face the same way in groups according to style, rewrite letters or lists with no scribbles (I believe my son is taking after me in the department as well).
17. I like to recycle but I find it really difficult living out in the country.
18. I hate cooking... good thing Chuck can cook!
19. I like to eat cube cheese... but my stomach doesn't like it.
20. I love Ranch Doritos and could eat a whole big bag in one sitting if I had the time.
21. I always pick out my clothes before I go to bed & pick up the house before I leave for any place.
22. When I home on the weekends I'm usually in same outfit all weekend long.
23. I make lists for everything, almost everyday.
24. I have an older 1/2 brother and sister but never see them.
25. I look exactly like my mom.
26. BONUS: I would love to know how to play the piano.

This took me a really long time!


Samantha said...

I knew like 90% of that, the other 10% was something new about you that I didn't know! I like learning new things from people!