12 June 2008

2 year check up

Colton had his 2 year check up yesterday and weighed 31 lbs 6 oz (85%) and he was 34 7/8" (64%) tall. Which if the saying is true and you double his height that what he'll be as an adult, he should be anywhere between 5'9" and 5'10". Which is tall considering the height of his parents! He cried pretty much the whole time because the appointment was during nap time and he had been sleeping when I picked him up. He had one shot and a blood draw to check is iron levels to make sure he wasn't anemic and possibly have to go back on iron supplements because of the beta thalassemia trait he carries. More information on this can be found if interested at: http://www.thalassemia.org/sections.php?sec=1&tab=6&node=49#3

Colton's 2 year old pictures are available to view at: http://www.shawncoulterphotography.com/Kids/Colton/index.html