09 May 2008

More 'things'

Chuck got me a new camera a couple weeks ago which I'm super excited about. It's a Nikon D40 SLR. Good beginner camera for me. I wanted a hobby and I thought pictures could be something I could do. I now need a good photo editing program so I can do fun stuff with all the pictures. You can never have enough pictures! I looked at knitting and crocheting, but thought it looked way too difficult for me. I still want to get a sewing machine and get into that, too. For now, my new picture taking hobby will do.

Our beloved springer, Champ was rushed into the vet last night after Chuck came home and found him in the indoor kennel unable to move, panting, shaking and sweating. The vet found that his heart was enlarged and the wheezing that started recently was due to his throat closing because there isn't enough blood being pumped through the throat muscles when he became excited. They gave him a shot of steroids, ekg, x-ray and checked him over. He now is completely blind in one eye and almost deaf. (We knew this was starting last year when he went for a check-up and shots.) Chuck brought him home and was told to watch for anymore panting and wheezing. I thought he didn't seem right the night before, but he was wagging his tail and eating so I didn't think anything of a little later on. He seemed to have a good night last night after the trip to the vet. I hate having to leave him alone during the day so soon, though. We're to keep him calm as possible for now on, so he now is officially back to being an indoor dog, day and night. He's on pills for 10 days and is due to go back to the vet in a week to get rechecked. The vet said he's just getting old (he'll be 11 the end of July). Both Chuck and I are not ready for him to go and we pray he has a few more years with us. I'm thankful Chuck found him instead of me because I do not deal with situations like that very well.